
Designed with business in mind.

Improve the end-to-end underwriting process with our consumer lending solutions:
  • Income Verification
  • Affordability & Vulnerability Assessments
  • Scores and Risk Insights
  • Fraud Prevention
  • Customer Management
How we help our clients:
  • Faster underwriting evaluation time
  • Increase in acceptance rates
  • Reduction in default rates
  • Increase in loan conversion rates

Trusted by industry leaders

Trusted by industry leaders

Affordability Insights:
Our affordability insights streamline underwriting, reducing cost and time
  • Breakdown of expenditure into essential and non-essential categories
  • suggested and adjustable thresholds for affordability assessments
  • predicted and historical spending analysis
  • comprehensive view of balances, recurring expenses and loan repayments

Risk Insights:
Harness our unique credit risk insights and scores built on Open Banking data
  • Identify key risk indicators such as gambling, loan repayments and returned direct debits
  • Recent income loss and account distress
  • Features that can be incorporated into credit scorecards
  • Bespoke data science and risk modelling services